The Legacy Operations
The Legacy Ops is comprised of those who demonstrate their commitment to remembering Virginia’s veterans and history by including the Virginia War Memorial in their estate plans.
In addition to outright gifts, estate provisions are a powerful way to support the Virginia War Memorial Foundation in perpetuity.
Become part of Legacy operations.
All planned giving requires a well-thought out strategy, usually with help from a financial advisor. Make sure we know your estate plans, so we can recognize your contributions.
You may have already made plans to include the Virginia War Memorial Foundation in your estate. If so, please let us know so that we can thank you, learn something of your interests, and appropriately recognize your intentions.
To share your giving plans with us or to discuss how your planned giving will advance your philanthropic goals, contact Annie Warman at or 804.786.2176. You may also chose to send up a Statement of Planned Giving Intention, so we can recognize your gift today.