Vietnam War
Discover the Vietnam War from the eyes of those who were there. See educational films and other resources and activities below.
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Virginians at War Films
Recorded Lectures and Lessons
Resources and Activities
Discover the Vietnam War from the eyes of those who were there. See educational films and other resources and activities below.
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Virginians at War Films
Recorded Lectures and Lessons
Resources and Activities
This film explores the experience of Virginians that fought during the critical Tet Offensive in 1968, a turning point of the Vietnam War.
Vietnam: Tet Offensive Resource Packet
Vietnam: Tet Offensive Transcript
This film includes personal recollections from veterans of the Vietnam War, with focus on the revolutionary technology of helicopters and American air operations.
Most of our Livestream programs are recorded and uploaded to the Virginia War Memorial’s Vimeo page. Click the program titles below to see the recordings of programs related to the Vietnam War. If you are interested in scheduling a future lesson with the Virginia War Memorial Education Department (in person or via distance learning/outreach), please reach out to
Take a closer look at some of the Virginia War Memorial’s materials and stories!
Aired September 29, 2020. Join us for an in-depth look at the life and legacy of Gordon P. Young, as VWM Archivist Heidi Sheldon shares the story of this soldier who received the Bronze Star, the Purple Heart, and the Republic of Vietnam Gallantry Cross Medal with Palm Ribbon. Specialist Young was killed in the Ia Drang Valley in 1965 at the age of 21.
Have you ever wondered what it is like to serve in the military? Hear first-hand accounts from those who took the oath of enlistment!
Aired November 9, 2020. Hear first-hand accounts from the Marine Corps veterans from the Vietnam War.
Learn about history from those who have experienced it, and get a chance to view events through a unique lens!
Aired June 8, 2020. Discover history from those who lived it with this panel of Vietnam War veterans.
Aired January 28, 2021. Discover what it was like to be in Vietnam during the Tet Offensive from American service members who were there, and discover their opinions on its impact on the outcome of the war.
Programs from authors, historians, and other special guest speakers in addition to VA War Memorial staff.
Aired on September 18, 2020. Taking place on National POW/MIA Day, this program features a discussion with Colonel Robert Gahagan, US Army (Retired), a former leader with the Joint Task Force – Full Accounting (JTF-FA) on the ongoing mission to locate all missing American servicemen and bring them home.
Aired on February 11, 2021. On February 11, 1966, the cover of Life Magazine featured a photo of a young Army medic in Vietnam, face bandaged, tending to his wounded comrades. The photo became iconic. It captured the mood of a war that was rapidly sliding into an uncertain future. The medic, Tommie L. Cole, was from Richmond, Virginia, and he was a hero. But a mystery remains: what happened to Tommie after this photograph was taken? On the 55th anniversary of the legendary Life Magazine cover, join Virginia War Memorial Director Clay Mountcastle to examine what clues we know about Tommie L. Cole and perhaps help solve the mystery of his whereabouts.
Aired on March 9, 2021. This special presentation highlights the role of women correspondents who broke gender and racial barriers to report on the conflict in Viet Nam. These courageous women spent time in the field to describe to their audiences not only the battlefield maneuvers, but the constant danger and trauma for their fellow Americans in uniform. Never shy to get the story right, many of these women went on to win awards for their reporting as well as craft a life in a battle zone. This program was presented by Professor Renee Garris, who lectures in Humanities and specializes in Women and Gender studies, as well as Genocide and the Holocaust.
Includes glossary, timeline, maps, and more! Great for teachers, parents, and anyone hoping to learn more about the Vietnam War.
Want to learn about the experiences of those who fought in the Vietnam War? Here’s some advice on how to talk to someone you know (a relative, a neighbor, or someone else in your community) about the war! Consider interviewing several veterans and starting an oral history project.