Leadership in America: China RX
Exposing the Risks of America’s Dependence on China for Medicine
Millions of Americans are taking prescription drugs made in China and don’t know it–and pharmaceutical companies are not eager to tell them. Join author and researcher Rosemary Gibson as she takes us through the rise of globalization and how that affects antibiotics, antidepressants, blood pressure medicines, cancer drugs, and many others drugs made in China and sold in the United States.
Reception and book signing following the lecture.
Rosemary Gibson is author of China Rx: Exposing the Risks of America’s Dependence on China for Medicine. She has received the highest honor from American Medical Writers Association for outstanding contributions to reporting on critical health issues in the public interest.
She has given presentations at hundreds of hospitals; keynoted meetings of the National Quality Forum, The Joint Commission, AONE, National Council of State Boards of Nursing, Federation of State Medical Boards, National Summit on Overuse held by The Joint Commission and AMA, Society of Critical Care Medicine, among others; was faculty for the Dartmouth Summer Symposium on Quality Improvement and its 2013 “wizard.”
Her books – Wall of Silence, Treatment Trap, Battle Over Health Care, Medicare Meltdown – have been reviewed in Publishers Weekly, Washington Post, JAMA, Health Affairs; referenced in proceedings of the U.S. Senate; mentioned in Congressional testimony; noted in the WSJ, NYT, USA Today, Consumer Reports, and Boston Globe, O Magazine, Reader’s Digest, US News and World Report, & Modern Healthcare. Wall of Silence was translated into Japanese; the Chinese translation of Treatment Trap won the prestigious Open Book Award from China Times. Rosemary has appeared on Chicago Tonight, WBGH’s Greater Boston, The Doctors, C-Span Book TV.